4-6 May 2012 Paris (France)


The francophone Society for Analytic Philosophy (SOPHA) is an association of philosophers working in the analytic philosophical tradition and wishing to promote the practice of analytic philosophy in French. The term “analytic philosophy” covers both a philosophical tradition and a certain practice. It is understood in a broad sense and does not impose any doctrine, method or topic limitation. Its members live across all countries, and in particular in francophone ones, in Europe as well as other continents. The use of French language is not made mandatory, but it is strongly encouraged. This society is closely related to the European Society for Analytic Philosophy (ESAP), with which it aims to collaborate on regular bases, as well as with other European and non European societies for analytic philosophy. Its goal is to facilitate contacts among analytic philosophers across all countries, in particular by ensuring the dissemination of information concerning conferences, events and meetings on all levels, but also concerning professional opportunities for philosophers working in this tradition.


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